- Serve as the organization's backbone in providing fundamental decision-making support.
- At the heart of all ERP systems is a database, when a user enters or updates information in one module, it is immediately and automatically updated throughout the entire system
Bringing the Organization Together
- ERP enables employees across the organization to share information across a single,centralized database.
The Evolution of ERP
- to deliver automation across multiple units of an organization
- to help facilitate the manufacturing process and address issues such as raw materials, inventory, order entry and distribution
Integrating SCM, CRM, and ERP
Integrating SCM, CRM, and ERP
- SCM, CRM, and ERP are the backbone of e-business
- Allows the unlocking of information to make it available to any user, anywhere, anytime
- Integration of these applications is the key to success for many companies
Integration Tools
- Many companies purchase modules from an ERP vendor, an SCM vendor, and a CRM vendor and must integrate the different modules together
- Middleware – several different types of software which sit in the middle of and provide connectivity between two or more software applications
- Enterprise application integration (EAI) middleware – packages together commonly used functionality which reduced the time necessary to develop solutions that integrate applications from multiple vendors
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