Tuesday, December 29, 2015



Assalamualaikum wbt kepada semua yang mengikuti blog saya , ataupun tidak.  Ramai kat sini PM saya tanya macam mana kita nak mudah menghafal ,mudah ingat dan sebagainya. Saya minta maaf sebab lewat update.Saya terlalu sibuk sepanjang semester. Tak ada masa nak update update blog ni. Sorry sangat-sangat.

Petua saya adalah DOA. Doa ni kan senjata mukmin. Sebelum memulakan pembelajaran mestilah dahulukan dengan DOA. Doa apa yang saya baca ? Tengok dekat gambar.

Doa ini hendaklah dibaca 3 kali sebelum hendak mula belajar dan ketika selepas solat. Kebiasaanya saya akan memulakan belajar lepas solat isyak. Dan selepas itu sertakan lah niat anda. Kawan saya selalu pesan pada saya bab membaca jangan menghafal sangat."kau kena fahamkan". Tapi saya tak boleh.Tak reti macam mana nak fahamkan.Sebab tu lah otak saya STUCK kalau nak jawab quiz,test dan sebagainya.Sebab terlalu banyak menghafal dan terlalu banyak benda masuk dalam kepala.Doa ni jelah yang saya selalu amalkan. Haaa , sesiapa yang tahu cara nak bantu saya FAHAM sesuatu benda@subjek yang kita belajar ,boleh la bantu saya. Huhuhu.

Seterusnya , saya ikut nasihat kawan-kawan saya yang dah berjaya.Dia bagi saya nasihat yang simple tapi amat lah berguna untuk saya dan anda semua.Kita haruslah menjaga hubungan kita dengan ALLAH. Hubungan dengan Allah ni amatlah penting.Jangan lewatkan solat.Kalau time kita tengah leka duk study tu , tetiba dengar bunyi AZAN. Terus stop study.Lakukan solat dahulu.Solat diawal waktu tau u all.Lepastu , korang ingat ni. Masa pi kelas , tengah tengah nak berjalan tu baca zikir dalam hati. LailahillaALLAH. Baca lah sepanjang jalan sampai kita sampai kat kelas ka , dewan kuliah ka , makmal ka dan sebagainya . Lepas tu , sebelum keluar asrama , niat belajar. "Ya Allah , sesungguhnya aku menuntut ilmu ini kerana-MU ya Allah". Haa , amalkan lah petua-petua ni.Lagi satu jangan lupa call mak ayah.Seminggu sekali ka.Tanya khabar mereka dan sebagainya.Minta mak ayah doakan kejayaan kita.Doa ibu tu penting u all.

Akhir sekali , waktu korang semua tengah study ni , xpayah la COUPLE-COUPLE bagai ni. Rugi duit , rugi masa. Sebab apa rugi duit ? Sebab korang sanggup belikan hadiah untuk GF/BF korang. Tak kisah berapa banyak pun duit habis. Untuk dia xkesah kan ? Sebenarnya kan , duit tu lebih baik la korang sedekah ka kat orang yang memerlukan. Dapat juga pahalakan ? Bagi kat mak ayah ka duit tu. Even RM50 pun , bagi je lah dekat mak ayah kita. Serius talk , mak ayah kita akan terima je duit daripada pemberian kita walaupun sedikit. Cakap la , "mak ni pemberian along untuk mak. " Mak terima lah duit ni. Ikhlas along kasi. Haa , dapat dah pahala kat situ ? Senang kan nak cari pahala. Okay , kenapa saya cakap rugi masa ? SEBAB korang akan selalu call gf/bf korang. Masa kat situ dah terbuang dah. Tak penting pun u all. Melainkan dia adalah suami/isteri kita. Pastu korang mesti nak keluar date kan ? Ha , dah buang masa kat situ. Baiklah duduk rumah tolong mak kat dapur , yang lelaki lak tolong mak mengemas rumah ka ,baca buku kat rumah ka . Kerja kerja rumah tu , bukan perempuan je boleh buat .Lelaki pun boleh buat. Sedangkan,Nabi Muhammad tolong isteri dia buat kerja rumah.

Lasttt , nak pesan selalu lah fikir positif.Jangan letakkan benda benda negative dekat mind set kita.Nanti negative lah kita dapat.Kita dah jawab soalan tu , kita minta doa kat ALLAH. Tawakkal kepada Allah. Reda dengan apa jua keputusan.

So , wahai semua manusia , fikirlah mana yang baik untuk korang semua. Itu sahajalah tips yang saya amalkan. Maaf salah dan silap saya semasa menulis ni. Mana tahu ada yang terasa ka. Tak ada niat pun nak buat korang semua terasa. Saya menulis ni berdasarkan pengalaman saya sendiri. Pengalaman kawan kawan saya pun saya ada masukkan dalam entry ni.




1. A competitive advantage is typically temporary, unless its a first-mover advantage.  (FALSE)

2. An entry barrier is typically used to influence the threat of new entrants. (TRUE)

3. Switching cost are typically used to influence the threat of substitute products or services.(TRUE)

4. The Five Forces Model helps to determine the relative attractiveness of an industry.(FALSE)

5. Organizations can add value by offering lower prices or by competing in a distinctive way.(TRUE)

6. An entry barrier is typically used to influence the rivalry among existing competitors. (FALSE)

7. Competitive advantage occurs when an organization can significantly impact its market share by
    being first to market with a an advantage. (FALSE)

8. Buyer power, supplier power, threat of products or services, threat of new entrants and rivalry  
    among existing competitors are all included in Porter's Five Forces Model. (TRUE)

9. Switching costs are typically used to influence the threat of substitute products or services. (TRUE)


Long Essay.

1. Describe three (3) Porter Generic Strategies. Support your answer with examples. (12 marks)

                    The three Porter Generic Strategies is broad cost leadership,broad differentiation and focused strategy.
                     Firstly is broad cost leadership. Broad cost leadership is broad strategies reach a large market segmentation.The firm can compete on the price with every other industries and earn higher units profit.Cost reduction provides the focus of the organisation's strategy.For example Wal-Mart.Walt-malt is to keep retail price low and the company has been very successful at this.
                     Second is broad differentiation. Broad differentiation is focused strategies target a niche market.Customers perceive the product to be different and better than that of rivals. Differentiation can be based on product image or durability,after-sales,quality,additional features.For example Mc Donald's. Mc Donald's strove to meet a customer wait time at no more than one minute in line and 30 second at the counter.
                    Third is focused strategy. Focused strategy is concentrate on either cost leadership or differentiation.A firm using a focus strategy often enjoys a high degree of customer loyalty,and this entrenched loyalty discourages other firms from competing directly. For example, food and beverages(PEPSICO).

2. Porter's Five Forces Model is a one of common tools used in industry to analyze and develop
    competitive advantages. List and describe each of the five (5) forces in Porter's Five Forces
    Model.                                                                                                                                 (20 marks)

    Five(5) forces in Porter’s five forces:
    1) Threat of substitute products or service
    2) Buyer power
    3) Threat of new entrants
    4) Supplier power
    5) Rivalry among existing competitors

                                First is buyer power. Buyer power is high when buyers have many choices of whom to buy  from and low when their choices are few. For example, cement industry. The number of players in this industry is relatively small so that the customers does not have a strong bargaining position.
                                Secondly is supplier power. Supplier power is high when buyers have few choices of whom to buy from and low when their choices are many. For example, lack of bargaining power of supplier is Carrefour. With its brand equity, Carrefour can easily switch supplier if his raise prices because there are many other supplier entering.
                                Thirdly is threat of substitute products or services. This is high when there are many alternatives to a product or service and low when there are few alternatives from which to choose.For example, if the price of coffee rises substantially, a coffee drinker is likely to switch over to a beverage like tea because the products are so similar.
                                Fourth is threat of new entrants. High when it is easy for new competitors to enter a market and low when there are significant entry barriers to entering a market. For example , of barrier to entry is very large amount of capital to start a business in the industry especially Mining , oil and gas industry .
                             Fifth is rivalry among existing competitors. This is high when competition is fierce in a market and low when competition is more complacent.

3. Michael Porter's Five Forces Model is one of the tools used by the organization to analyze and
    develop competitive advantages. Explain how information technology can develop a competitive
    advantage for each force in Five Forces Model.                                                         (20 marks)

Friday, December 25, 2015




2.1 Explain why competitive advantages are typically temporary

2.2 List and describe each of the five forces in Porter's Five Forces Model

2.3 Compare Porter's three generic strategies

2.4 Describe the relationship between business processes and value chains

  • Competitive advantages are important for an organization
  • It is even more important to understand that competitive advantages typically temporary since competitors are quick to copy competitive advantages
  • Can you list a few companies that achieved success through competitive advantages?                        1) United was the first airline to offer a competitive advantage with its frequent flyer                       mileage (this is first-mover advantage was temporary)                                                              2) Sony had competitive advantage with its portable stereo systems(this is first-mover                     advantage was temporary)                                                                                                          3) Microsoft had a competitive advantage with its unique Windows operating system

  • Technology has the opportunity to play an important role in environmental scanning

  • Buyer power - high when buyers have many choices of whom to buy from and low when their choices are few
  • Supplier power-high when buyers have few choices of whom to buy from and low when the their choices are many
  • Threat  of substitute products or services-high when there are many alternative to a product or service and low when there are few alternatives from which to choose
  • Threat of new entrants-high when it easy for new competitors to enter a market and low when there are significant entry barriers to entering a market
  • Rivalry among existing competitors-high when competition is fierce in a market and low when competition is more complacent

  • Buyer power can also be called customer power
  • To reduce buyer power (and create a competitive advantage).an organization must make it more attractive for customers to buy from them than from their competition

  • Supplier power is the converse of buyer(customer)power
  • A supplier organization  in a market  will want buyer (customer) power to be low 
  • The supplier wants to be able to set any price it wants for its good,and if buyers(customers)have low power,then they do not have any choice but to pay the high price since there are only one or two suppliers

  • As the bids in a reverse auction become lower and lower,more and more suppliers drop out of the action
  • What effect does this have on supplier power?
             *It reduces supplier power and creates a competitive advantages for the buyer organization
               since it is paying the lowest possible price for its good and services

  • Ideally,an organization wants to be in a market in which there are few substitutes for its products or services
  • This is difficult to achieve,and most organizations create a competitive advantage through switching costs-the more painful it is for a customer to switch suppliers,the less likely they are to switch
  • If a customer has to experience pain when switching to a different service provider,then they are unlikely to switch

What is an industry that has a high entry barrier?
  • Energy-the organization has to have the infrastructure to support energy
  • Telecommunications-the organization has to invest in a telecommunications infrastructure prior to offering services
  • Banking-the bank must offer its customer an array of IT-enabled service including ATMs and online account services
What is an industry that has lower entry barrier?
  • Restaurants -simply lease a space,obtain a license and you can sell food 
  • Catering - simply offer food and deliver 
  • Movie rental- simply buy the movies,pay the licensing fee,and offer the movies for rental(although if you want to be a Netflix the entry barriers is high because you have to have the facilities and systems to mimic their movie supply chain)

What are a few industries where competition is high?
  • Restaurants,products,telecommunications,banking
What are a few industries where competition is low?
  • This is typically highly regulated industries such as energy markets and stock exchanges

  • To create a competitive advantage,the value chain must enable the organization to provide unique value to its customers 
  • Examining the organization as a value chain determines which activities add value for customers 
  • The organization can then focus specifically on those activities 

  • Review figure Generic Strategies and Industry Forces for an overview of the combination of Porter's Five Forces and three generic strategies for each segment

  • Primary value activities acquire raw materials and manufacture,deliver,market,sell,and provide after-sales services 
  • Support value activities support the primary value activities
  • Customers determine the extent to which each activity adds value to the product or services
  • The competitive advantage is to:
  • Target high value-adding activities to further enhance their value 
  • Target low value-adding activities to increase their value
  • Perform some combination of the two

  • If an organization wants to decrease its buyer's or customer's power,it can construct its value chain activity of"service after the sale"by offering high levels of quality customer service
  • This will increase the switching costs for its customers,thereby decreasing their power(buyer power)

Friday, December 4, 2015




Learning outcomes
- compare management information system (MIS) and information technologies (IT)
- describe the relationship among people, information technology, and information
- identify four different department in a typical business and explain how technology helps them to work     together.
- compare the four the different types of organizational information cultures and decide which cultures applies to your school.

  • Information technology is everywhere in business



  • Which types of IT services can be used to meet these types of goals
  • Reduce costs/improve productivity:supply chain management,enterprise resources planning
  • Improve customer satisfaction/loyalty:customer relationship management,loyalty programs
  • Create competitive advantage: business intelligence/data warehousing
  • Generate growth:sales management systems
  • Streamline supply chain:demand planning software
  • Global expansion:e-business

  • Describe a few of the types of IT services each business function might be receiving from IT
  • Customer service: click-to-talk,call scripting,auto answering,call centers
  • Finance:accounting packages,Sarbanes Oxley
  • Sales and marketing: campaign management,customer relationship management
  • Operations: supply chain management
  • Human Resources:software to track employees at risk of leaving

  • This is an excellent opportunity to discuss each business area and ensure your student have a solid understanding of business in general:
  • Accounting provides quantitative information about the finance of the business including recording,measuring,and describing financial information
  • Finance deals with the strategic financial issues associated with increasing the value of the business,while observing applicable laws and social responsibilities
  • Human Resources includes the policies,plans,and procedures for the effective management of employees(Human Resources)
  • Sales is the function of selling a good and service and focuses on increasing customer sales,which increases company revenues.
  • Marketing is the process associated with promoting the sale of goods and services.The marketing department supports the sales department by creating promotions that help sell the company's product.
  • Operation management(also called production management)includes the methods,tasks and techniques organizations use to produce goods and service.Transportation(also called logistics) is part of operations management
  • Management information systems(MIS) is the function that plans for,develops,implements,and maintains IT hardware,software,and the portfolio of applications that people use to support the goals of an organization

  • Each functional area undertakes a specific core business function
  • sales and marketing-forecasting,segmentation,advertising,promotions
  • operations and logistic-purchasing,supplying,receiving,transportation
  • accounting and finance-accounting,planning,budgeting,tax,costs
  • human resources-hiring,training,benefits,and payroll(hire a new workers)

  • It does not equal or represent business success and innovation,it is simply an enabler of business success and innovation
  • Will spending large amounts of money on IT guarantee automatic success?
  • Spending large amounts of money on IT will not guarantee on organization automatic success
  • Organizations need to allocate resources on the right types of IT that correctly support their business operations to be successful

  • MIS is not technology
  • MIS is a business function
  • Most of organizations have an IT department that is responsible for performing the MIS function
  • This is similar to an organization having an Accounting department that is responsible for performing the accounts payable and accounts payable and accounts receivable functions

  • When beginning to learn about information technology it is important to understand
  1. Data,information,and business intelligence
  2. IT resources
  3. IT cultures

  • Data - raw facts that describe the characteristic of an event
  • Information - data converted into a meaningful and useful context
  • Business Intelligence - applications and technologies that are used to support decision-making efforts

  • Data turned into information
  • By analyzing the data we can start to understand the information that the data is telling us
  • The above figure displays all chicken orders,which customers purchased chicken,for sales representative Roberta Cross

  • Data in an excel spreadsheet 
  •  Product name - just a name
  •      Without analyzing the data is just a bunch of names and numbers

IT Resources               
  • People use
  • Information technology to work with
  • Information
IT Cultures
  • Organizational information cultures